This is Glenn Strachan, who ended up in California selling real estate. The caption says, "Glenn tootles." This is part of the rural strategy of unplaying something of which the whole family is proud. Some of these books persisted so long that I read them myself in childhood.

This is Floradale School but I don't recognize anyone. I suspect that my father was invited to take the end of the year group pictures on a picnic day before they all dispersed. It was June, 1923, so most of these kids are probably either no longer living or very elderly. It would be fun if the Swan River folks wanted to put the photos in the paper to see if anyone could name some of them.

Though the entry shed is not painted, maybe because it was a later addition, the school itself is nicely painted and has a good foundation, even a lawn. Note the steps that imply the chimney needs attention sometimes. There are no windows on this side which undoubtedly faces the direction from whence the winds blow. Here by the mountains, that means NW, but it might be different up there. It surely looks like the cast of "Anne of Green Gables." In fact, L.M. Montgomery's father was in Prince Albert and she spent a bit of time there.

That's a nice even woodpile in the background and still a good deal of it left! I presume the wheelbarrow on which the boys are standing was the means for getting the wood across the yard. The boy on the far left is either getting dragged of or is ducking out. I think the idea of this photo was to get all the girls in a line, leaning on their elbows with maybe the teachers behind. The "teachers" look like sisters, or maybe even twins!
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